Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Freshmen were urged to SOAR Toward Excellence today (Aug. 2nd). And GAM recommended they Go GAMANAS! 
Picture from June 4th GAMnic in Central Park
(SOAR is a program to welcome new freshman to NYIT. Go GAMANAS! is GAM's initiative to encourage nutritious bites between classes.) GAM joined other clubs at tables set up to greet the new freshman.
At GAM's table, sandwiched between their friends from the UN TEAM and SGA, GAM offered freshmen free bananas, along with copies of the latest GAMarray Gazette produced in high gloss by our Captain Yosr E. Also at their table greeting freshmen were GAM's Commodore Alyssa D., Commander Elias W. and Crimpee Christopher K. Leading freshmen around NYIT was GAM's Ambassador Bella L.  .
Captain Yosr bestowed GAM's artist-designed, ocean-blue shirt to Crimpee Chris for his efforts to welcome freshmen at two orientations now. Crimpee Chris is currently working on his initiation by reading Atlas Shrugged and his rank by attending these orientations to earn his citrine class GEM (GAM's Excellence Marque). GAM signed up, with Chris's help, 8 students on July 21st. (See that news in our earlier note: 20,000 GAM-BITS.) Today (Aug. 2nd) GAM signed up 23! Welcome aboard, Crimpees! We have for ye gold ahead, and it began with a golden banana today. Arrrrrrgh!

1 comment:

Judge said...

Is it true there were only 35 freshmen at this Orientation? So signing up 23 is an amazing number! That is two-thirds of everyone there.