Thursday, July 21, 2011

20,000 GAM-BITS

Another summer update with good news for you: 
Following the summer party at Admiral Jesse's, the crew of GAMship set sail on additional adventures.
With reference to bottom left picture:
Commodore Alyssa, Captain (NYIT),
Captain Luiza (CCNY) and Navigator Christopher
GAM Officers descended (20,000 Leagues) on the American Museum of Natural History to find "Job" (the great white whale on the Great Crest of GAM), and questioned MODOK (Mental Organism Designed Only for Killing). GAMs learned Peachie Pie (the bird on the Great Crest of GAM) evaded giant octopi and squids, before a stone-faced mo'ai (not pronounced like blowing a kiss at the close of The Dating Game) bellowed after GAMs (attracted by our club name).
GAM's Commodore Alyssa D'Amico met a school of freshmen at NYIT to invite them aboard GAMship. Eight took the bait and are reeling themselves in - as eveyone should - by signing the new Crew Manifest for our fourth year voyage.
Christopher and Commodore Alyssa
 (sporting GAM's designer T)
reaching out to freshmen at orientation
On the Horizon:
  • GAM is producing another edition of the GAMarray Gazette for August. If you would like to add your story, email
  • GAM will attend another freshman orientation (on or about August 2nd at NYIT) with a greater delegation to encourage potential crimpees to parlay aboard GAMship.
  • GAM will hold more summer events, including sailings to Liberty Island (the Statue of Liberty) and Governors Island.

Just step aboard and you'll join the crew,
You will be grateful for the trip
That started from just one college U
                Aboard this mighty GAMship.

Monday, July 4, 2011


Good news for you:

Our ships (chapters) are meeting in July and August to prepare the events for the Fall and Spring.

One of those events is our Valentine Noir Masquerade Ball, which will have a new spring in step with our new dance partner--Salsa! Are you on the ball? Send an email to to join the committee.

We are also planning an alumni event with our past officers and shipmates, like our Captain Tasnim (The Path of Ugg) who this past week visited NYIT to participate in a panel discussion for HEOP.

Fleet Officers, July 2, 2011
Our Admiral Jesse invited shipmates aboard his houseboat (ok, ok, his house) for his annual backyard party, where we welcomed Captain Christopher (Columbus Circle) to Fleet Command.

Christopher Engel is working full-time for The Daily News (along with Clark Kent, Jimmy Olsen and Lois Lane. ...What? ...Oh. Correction: That would be The Daily Planet). Christopher is now Vice Admiral of GAM bringing all his newspaper experience to all our publications.

Look forward to Joy To The World and La Bella Vita from our two Boatswains editing our publications. Bosun Joy will edit our GAMarray Gazette and Bosun Bella will edit our Facebook and Orgsync.  Our GAMour (photo albums) will be edited by our Bosun Andrew.

Our Captain Yosr is sailing GAM MA ahead with stunning innovations for her shipmates. They're surprises, so get on board to enjoy the fun. Sign the Crew Manifest.

Our newest edition of the GAMarray Gazette is out.  Get yours at either campus or on the Wheelhouse.

Here is a little tidbit of information that not many know.  Today is GAM's birthday.  Three years ago we were just finishing our first GAMA group and making plans for GAM's first event.

Happy Independence Day!
GAM it!