Thursday, October 31, 2013




We have a winner from those who posted their scary selfies with #GAMoween to Insta-GAM on Frightening night!  Shortly, we will leave this grand news on our FB group page and fan page.
Samantha W. wins the grand prize:  our designer t-shirt, a treasure box full of sweet delights, and an emerald band and dog tag to confirm her jump in rank from Crimpee to Yeoman.

Our runner-up was Purrrrrr-fect.  Yeoman Roxanne wins a treasure chest filled to the brim with gems as well as a pop-your-top prize!

Congratulations, Ladies!  :)

Friday, October 25, 2013

GAM Is Singing Your Tune

Have ye any Doubloons?  
We don't mean to impugn,
But if your semester is a monsoon,
GAM is singing your tune.

Escape the platoons of goons 
Stuck in their boring cocoons,
Aboard unsteady pontoons
Looking in the light of the moon like tired raccoons, 
Carousing in the same ole saloons.

For shipmates here are the boons:
Golfing out of the dunes,
Swimming in blue lagoons, 
Sleeping til the afternoons, 
Surfing ahead of typhoons,
Eating prunes with two spoons,
Making animals with balloons,
Watching Saturday morning cartoons.

Step to the bow and grab your harpoons,
With GAMship ye fortunes are arriving Soon
Doubloons we be offering, and ye all be sure tycoons.

For Business Sense and Social Grace

GAM™ aka Great American Mentoring™ is a college club organized to network students to learn by edutainment business sense and social grace.  GAM has brought awards to its members, including Outstanding New Organization, 2008-09, and Outstanding Student Organization, 2009-10.  GAM gathers together a multitude of majors; and we all sail ahead together to be so much more.

Saturday, September 28, 2013


Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale, a tale of the very first sail, 

This is the Prequel to the Fall Adventures of GAM with ASLA.

Friday, September 20, 2013

GAM Bridge Officers for Fall 2013: ASLA

Meet the Bridge Officers for Fall 2013.
Andrea Lee Torres, serving in the French Foreign Legion on an archaeological dig at the ancient city of Hamunaptra, accidentally awakened a Mummy.  As captain, she is determined to track down and make sure that each crew member has their own pet whale. Andrea Lee is infected with the travel bug, but she knows she has to settle down some day. When that time comes, she wants to be web designer, photographer, ceramist, knitter, and coffee barista simultaneously.
Sharmin Rashed was born a gypsy princess who decided she needed a new life sailing aboard GAMship sometime after Sharmin heard Imhotep refer to her as Anck-su-Namun in Hamunaptra.  So, Sharmin decided to sign aboard GAMship as the second in command to escape her doppelgänger.  Sin-Good plans on traveling the world and absorbing the culture from each port she visits with and for you.  She hopes to enter the adventurous world of advertising and slowly work her magic into the United Nations.
Laura Bordas is the navigator of GAMship because she is an aspiring world class cruise enthusiast.  She maps our cruise as our social network librarian, keeping you informed of our carping in your face(book), for you(r) twit(ter) and (insta)gam you to name a few.  She is the leader of the "cool kids crew" and enjoys travel anywhere except Hamunaptra.  Speaking of touchy feely mummies, she also panics when ketchup touches her skin.   Her career objective is to open her own communications agency to retire at 35--leaving behind in her wake a treasurer chest that will provide for her future generations.
Alexandra Soriano is no mummy; she's a mommy.  Chasing after four kids, who are under the age of 7, has definitely given GAMship's purser a few advantages.  Every shipmate will enjoy the cruise, and no one will go missing!  She'll make sure no one is left behind trapped by a swarm of flesh-eating scarabs as Hamunaptra collapses into the sand.  Her goal in life is to become a successful publicist, who'll one day influence mothers to take selfies, do scavenger hunts, search for missing gems, and swim with whales.  What can possibly be the icing on that cake for this ambitious Purser?  To travel the world--by GAMship of course!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Annual Festival With Ye GAM

Avast, me Mateys!

It be Talk Like A Pirate Day.  The whole world every year at this time be in festival with ye GAM setting sail anew on a bon voyage. 

Have ye visited ye Verandah and seen some of the finest pirate booty ye ever laid eyes on?

Have ye read a copy of ye GAMarray Gazette for all ye pirate news?

Have ye something to Carp about, ye Twit(ter)?  Or (Insta)GAM ye?  We be publishing our GLOG regularly.  Send me a message for the world (like in a bottle), even your bio, today, and ye be in it too.

So get into the Spirits, me Mateys!  And talk like a Pirate all day.

Brwaack! Polly want a cracker? … Oh, wait. That’s for Talk Like a PARROT Day.

Aarrrr!  Weigh anchor
 and haul some keel
 over to ye Verandah
 and move up from LandLubber to scurvy bilge rat.

GAM it!