These are the voyages of the GAMship captains. Our third Captain's Log treks broad way--a short crossing across and a long voyage along--back to where it all started with our first captain. His ship was preceded by the corsair command newly setting sail with fellow academy director Captain Ninoska Alvarez.
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Captain Ninoska Alvarez, GAM CC Fall 2008-Spr 2009 |
During the summer of 2008 a league of thirteen extraordinary fellows convened (at the academy across the broad way) to parlay with the lil mayors ("the keys to the city," the Association of Hotel Concierges). These thirteen were GAMA! And their creative director was future Captain Ninoska Alvarez.
After the summer of 2008 a fleet of two ships emerged embarking on a voyage of extraordinary leagues. Welcome aboard GAMship! And the first to receive Letters of Marque were led at the helm by Captain Ninoska Alvarez.
After the summer of 2008 a fleet of two ships emerged embarking on a voyage of extraordinary leagues. Welcome aboard GAMship! And the first to receive Letters of Marque were led at the helm by Captain Ninoska Alvarez.
"Everyone has a story, will yours make an impact?" Wise words from Captain Ninoska, who left an enduring impact. Captain Ninoska led her crew:
- holding court at the Cochrin law firm running a silent auction to help raise dubloons for the Make A Wish Foundation;
- ghouling around at the GAMoween party with the cauldron (SPA) from NYiT; and
- ballroom dancing at the Valentine Noir Masquerade Ball with our anchor sisters teaching us how in the cathedral of Shepard Hall at CCNY!
Captain Ninoka is tacking ahead: after she received her communications degree with a specialization in Public Relations and Advertising, she set course for an MBA in Marketing and her own Event and PR company. Bon Voyage, Captain Ninoska Alvarez
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