These are the voyages of the GAMship captains. Our first Captain's Log treks back to where no student had gone before. To talk about our very first captain, you have to talk about the beginning of GAM.
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Captain Harry Baker, GAM MA Fall 2008 |
Prior to the summer of 2008 a league of eight extraordinary fellows pirated pieces of eight (the eight slices of a pizza) from their lair in Ocho Piso (the eighth floor of our college at Columbus Circle). These were the Pirates of the Eighth Floor. Their leader was future Captain Harry Baker.
During the summer of 2008 a league of thirteen extraordinary fellows convened (at the college across the great seaway known as Broadway) to parlay with the lil mayors ("the keys to the city," the Association of Hotel Concierges). These thirteen were GAMA! And, again, their leader was future Captain Harry Baker.
After the summer of 2008 from these two a ship emerged embarking on a voyage of extraordinary leagues. Welcome aboard GAMship! And at its helm was Captain Harry Baker.
When you tell the story of the beginning of GAM, you had to start with an extraordinary friend, Captain Harry Baker. "I invested my interest into many studies," Harry recounts those days. "The Sciences, Literature, Medical and Law became my hors d'Ĺ“uvre of learning, while History, Logic and Philosophy became the main dish." Those latter three subjects were taught by fellow pirate, fellow GAMA director, fellow GAM original, your favorite judge, Fleet Admiral Gregorek. It is with great pride that this first Captain's Log is written about true friend, Captain Harry Baker.
"I am currently the Assistant Chief Financial Officer of an organization that battles against homelessness, hunger, substance abuse, and HIV/AIDS." Bon voyage, Captain Harry Baker
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